Real Estate Listings
Homes in this neighborhood are around 4400 square feet on average. Naturally, you can possibilities that are larger or smaller than that. You will also want to pay attention to the range of prices that follows the homes in these neighborhoods. You can easily find homes in the area of 400,000 dollars. However, you can also find homes that sell for upwards of one million dollars. There are even properties in this neighborhood that sell for much more than that. At the end of the day, most of these homes go for less than one million.
Homes for sale in the Lake Windcrest neighborhood are just the beginning of what Magnolia has to offer. Remember that this community has everything you could ever need, in terms of local essentials. This means great schools, employment centers, restaurants, parks, grocery stores, shopping, cafes, outdoor venues, and much more. Magnolia TX also puts you close to other towns and cities. For example, you can get to Conroe TX in hardly any time at all. You can also get to everything Downtown Houston has to offer in less than one hour.